
Security and Confidentiality

SplashFame places great importance on your privacy. We only process the data we need to improve our service and handle the information we have collected about you and your use of our services with care. We will never share your data for commercial purposes with third parties. This privacy policy applies to the use of the website and services offered by SplashFame.

These terms came into effect on October 1, 2021; with the publication of a new version, the validity of all previous versions expires. This privacy policy describes what data about you is collected by us, for what purposes this data is used, under what conditions and with whom such data may possibly be shared with third parties. We also explain how we store your data, how we protect your data from misuse, and what your rights are regarding the personal data you have provided to us.

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, you can contact our privacy officer, whose contact details you will find at the end of our privacy policy. On data processing.

Below you can read how we treat your data, where we store them (or have them stored), what security techniques we use, and who can access the data.

Purpose of Data Processing

We use your data only for our services. This means that the processing is always directly related to the order you have sent us. We do not use your data for targeted marketing purposes. If you share data with us and we use such data to contact you later - except at your request - we will explicitly ask for your consent. Your data is not shared with third parties, except to fulfill our accounting and administrative obligations.

Automatically Collected Data

Data automatically collected by our website is processed to improve our services. This data (such as your IP address, web browser, and operating system) is not personal data.

Collaboration in Tax and Criminal Investigations

In some cases, SplashFame may be required, based on a legal obligation, to share your data in the context of a tax or criminal investigation conducted by the authorities. In such cases, we are required to share your data, but we will oppose this as much as possible within the limits of the law.

Retention Periods

We retain your data as long as you are our customer. This means that we keep your customer profile until you indicate that you no longer wish to use our services. If you ask us, we will also consider this as a request for deletion. In accordance with applicable administrative obligations, we must retain invoices containing your (personal) data for the necessary time; therefore, we will retain this data for the entire applicable period. However, employees no longer have access to your customer profile or the documents we have produced following your order.

Your Rights

Under Dutch and European law, you have certain rights regarding personal data processed by or on our behalf. Below, we explain what these rights are and how you can exercise them. In principle, to prevent abuse, we only send copies and copies of your data to your email address already known to us. If you want to receive the data at another email address or, for example, by mail, we will ask you to identify yourself. We keep a record of processed requests; in the case of a deletion request, we anonymize the data. All copies and copies of the data you receive are in the machine-readable data format that we use in our systems. You always have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority if you believe that we are using your personal data improperly.

Right of Access

You always have the right to access the data that (we) process and that personally concern you or that can be attributed to you. You can make such a request to our privacy officer. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a copy of all data along with a list of subcontractors holding such data, indicating the category in which we have stored such data.

Right to Rectification

You always have the right to have the data that (we) process and that personally concern you or that can be attributed to you corrected. You can make such a request to our privacy officer. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation via email to the address we have registered with us, indicating that the data has been modified.

Right to Restriction of Processing

You always have the right to limit the processing of the data that (we) process and that personally concern you or that can be attributed to you. You can make such a request to our privacy officer. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you a confirmation via email to the address we have registered with us, indicating that the data will no longer be processed until you remove the restriction.

Right to Data Portability

You always have the right to have the data that (we) process and that personally concern you or that can be attributed to you transferred to another party. You can make such a request to our privacy officer. You will receive a response to your request within 30 days. If your request is granted, we will send you copies or copies of all data concerning you that we have processed or had processed by other subcontractors or third parties on our behalf. In such cases, we are likely no longer able to continue providing the service, as we can no longer guarantee secure links between the data files.

Rights of Objection and Other Rights

In some cases, you may have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by SplashFame, or you may have other rights under applicable data protection laws. If you wish to exercise any of these rights or have any concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact our privacy officer using the contact details provided at the end of this privacy policy. We will respond to your request or concern within 30 days and take appropriate action in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Your privacy and the security of your personal data are of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to handling your personal data responsibly and transparently.

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